Once upon a time, before our crazy life with six kids began, there was us. And this is how “us” happened.

This is the story of how Carol and I got engaged. But first, let me tell you the secrets behind our engagement picture that went out with all the invitations.

First, you’ll notice the stick is in my left hand. I’m right-handed. Second, it didn’t really matter which hand it was in because it was my roommate, the photographer, that did the artwork.

Lastly, we were not on an ocean beach as it appears. That is actually on the bank of the Columbia River. If I ruined that picture for anyone that received it, my apologies. But the truth had to be told.

So back to our story. My family reunion was coming up and Carol was going with me. To get there, we had to travel four hours to Eastern Oregon to an old lodge out in the middle of nowhere.

I was working for a local TV news station as a news writer at the time and I worked the graveyard shift. I was scheduled to get off at 9:30 am. Carol was working at a dental office and she wasn’t due home till about noon.

So, the plan was for us to leave her place at around 1:00. I knew how I was going to propose but I still didn’t have the ring. I know, kind of crazy, right? So, as soon as I left I work I headed to the nearby mall. I must have visited four or five jewelry stores (that’s all they had), probably at least three times each.

The security guards at each place must’ve thought I was casing their store. I was tired, nervous and pacing, and wasn’t sure what to do. The whole thing was a surprise so I couldn’t ask anyone for help. It was stressful. I’m sure they had cameras watching my every move.


Here it is. All the way from Hawaii

After much inner-debate, I finally made my decision. I found the perfect choice. But, there was a problem. The ring I wanted was actually in Hawaii. So now what?

Thankfully, the jewelry store allowed me to purchase another ring with the understanding that I would bring it back and exchange it for the right one. Good thing, because I would’ve probably just settled on a plastic ring from the Dollar Store at that point.

With the ring in hand, I finally headed out and went straight to Carol’s house to tell her parents of my plans and ask their permission. Their response was…how should I put this?

We’ll go with less-than-excited.

I get it. She was their baby and still just 19-years-old. Yes, I robbed the cradle. Guilty as charged.

Me enjoying the photo session

Anyways, somehow I convinced them that it would be ok and that I wasn’t taking their daughter to the woods where she would never be found. I left her house probably about 10 minutes before she got home.

I rushed home to quickly pack, and I was back at her place a short time later. Then off we went. That was the longest 4-hour trip of my life. I hadn’t slept for about 20 hours but I was so antsy that I couldn’t relax and go to sleep. I’m surprised Carol never caught on.

We got to the lodge on a Friday evening and my plan was to propose the following night. We have a family meeting every year where we report on our lives. I determined when it was my turn to report that’s when I would pop the question.

Earlier that day, I went for a walk with my sister and told her my plans. I asked her to video the whole thing. She was the only person who knew besides me, and Carol’s less-than-excited parents, of course. But they were miles away so they couldn’t stop me now.

When the time came, I gave my report then said: “Carol came here as my girlfriend but nothing would make me happier than if she left here as my fiancé.”

I knelt down on one knee and presented her with the ring. There were tears and smiles and a big “yes.” We were officially engaged!

That happened on August 22. 1998, exactly 19 years ago today. Call it fate because I honestly did not realize that little nugget until I wrote that last sentence.

I found a good place to hide

Three months later we tied the knot and here we are today. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, yes, her parents did eventually come around.

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